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About LowcostMobile

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LowcostMobile © was born in June 2009 under the impetus of a 21-year-old French entrepreneur at the time, the first non-binding packages were presented in France on our site. Formerly, the site was intended to compare the different offers of mobile operators in France and incidentally abroad. In the same tone, he offered news in the field of telecommunications.

Since 2016, LowcostMobile © has developed its own ranges of 4G and now 5G antennas in order to provide new Internet access in the most remote areas in France, but also in the French overseas departments and territories , within the European Union and the rest of the world. LowcostMobile © products are present in more than fifty countries to date.

We have unprecedented expertise in this rapidly developing sector, we offer quality after-sales service.

LowcostMobile © continues to expand its presence in new countries, and regularly deploys new antenna products, in particular TNT (DVB-T DVB-T2 standard), but also DAB +.

Our vocation is to listen the market and to constantly develop new products, we wish to bring all our expertise to our valued customers.

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