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5003 rue d'Hirson



Telephone: 0033 (0) 3 27 24 70 51

WhatsApp: 0033 3 27 24 70 51

Telephone hours. : 9a.m. to 5p.m. Monday to Friday

Warehouse hours: Monday to Friday 8:30a.m. to 7:00p.m., Saturday 8:30a.m. to 11:30a.m.

(closed on public holidays and Boxing Day)

Need advice on choosing a product or making a purchase ==> commande@lowcostmobile.com

After-sales service ==> support@lowcostmobile.com

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Feedback from our clients

Not chatty but fast, 4 orders from them, no disappointment.

zet. 02/05/2021

Very good contact, very good customer service, fast delivery.

Damien P. 29/04/2021

Good quality antenna as per description. I was particularly interested in the gain versus frequency performance as per the graph in the description. This I verified with my Nano vector frequency analyzer. Good TV antenna.

stmartin2cv 12/04/2021

super fast, delivered in 24 hours!

Gerard S. 20/04/2021

Shipment completed on time in fully adapted packaging. Impeccable!

Nicolas 07/04/2021

Very good seller, great 4G+++ router

dub. 26/03/2021


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